Sunday, January 27, 2013

Friday, January 25, 2013

Jump My Mochis, JUMP!

I found this little comic and thought you guys might like this.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ask Italy

Ciao guys it's Italy and I'm here to say that you can now ask me questions and I'll answer them for you! If you have a question on a post, a comment, or something about my ever day life just let me know! I don't care what you ask me as long as you follow the blog rules. I will be happy to answer any question you give me. So ask away!! <3

~Italy =_=

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This was something rare...

Today I went to see " Le Miserables " with Germany because  he promised me he'd take me even though it all took place in France. He knows that I just Love, Love, Love musicals and opera's so he took me. Most of the movie I was crying. But then at the end of the movie where everyone that died were singing  I turn around and see Germany crying. CRYING!!! I couldn't believe my eyes. So when the end credits came on, Germany and I had to stay for a while and hold each other. But god how did you make him cry? I've never seen him cry before and it seems I am the only one that he shows his emotions to. I was like, "Germany your crying!" And he said, "I know. HOLD ME ITALY!!!"Then he grabbed me into a hug. I don't think he was aware that he said 'hold me Italy' very loudly because people started to stare. But we didn't care at all!!!!


Grandpa Rome is being stupid again

Ciao guys. It's Italy again. Last night was horrible. For once I didn't sleep with Germany ( The kind of sleeping with the snoring and the dreaming)  I couldn't sleep so I went to go get some water. When I got back Grandpa Rome was laying on my bed with a rope on. He had an unspeakable smile with wine bottle in hand. I didn't know what to say. I was silent for a moment but then I  finally said, "I thought you were dead." He chuckled and then told me to lay down. He was being so gentle and kind. Then out of nowhere he got furious and started yelling at me. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?! THINKING ABOUT THAT GERMAN ALL THE TIME!!! DON'T YOU KNOW THAT YOU'RE BEING TRICKED!?!" You should of seen my face. I was just like, *sigh *  Grandpa was being so  stupid and stuck in the past. HE'S TURNING INTO A ROMANO!!!! And Nobody wants to be a Romano. So all that night I had to explain to him that I was NOT being tricked and that "German" was my best friend in the whole entire world!  It took until eight in the morning for him to FINALLY believe me and leave me alone.  I was so tired. I tried to fall back asleep but that is when Germany came yelling his head off like he does every morning. When I heard his loud booming voice, I thought to myself "Oh god. HOW THE HECK SHOULD I EXPLAIN THIS TO HIM!?!" It's very surprising that he believed me though.
And that's why I haven't been posting in a while. Germany said I slept through a whole day and he was nice enough to let me sleep. So I guess that's it. (I need to lay of the sausage for a while...)

~Italy =.=

Comment onegaishimasu (please)?

Konnichiwa, mina-san. I know this is a bit awkward,  especially with me not being a kind of person who is interested in this kind of things.....but I just wanted to ask: I will give you a list give me your favorite pairing for the country.  I will put a comments section for the countries themselves to comment, but the rest of you can comment down below. NOTE: COUNTRIES SHOULD ONLY COMMENT ON THE POST, NOT IN THE COMMENTS SECTION!

Here is the list:

Italy ( North/Veneziano/Feliciano)
France (Don't even get me started >.<)
Italy (South/Romano/Lovino)
Hong Kong

If you want to know my list:

Italy ( North/Veneziano/Feliciano) ~ GerIta!
Germany ~ GerIta! (I have to say that or else Ita-kun will kill me!)
Er...Japan ~..... AsaKiku (For those who don't know what that is, it's EnglandxJapan)
America ~ KimchiBurger (AmericaxKorea. The name is hilarious!)
England~ ASAKIKU ALL THE WAY!!!! Erm....ahem..yeah..
France (Don't even get me started >.<) ~ Ribbon Pair (A pairing from Gakuen Hetalia. FrancexSeychelles)
Russia~ RoChu!!!!!!
China ~ ROCHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Much to my brother's dismay :D I'm such a nice little brother!
Spain~ SpaMano. If. Any.One.Says.Any.Thing.Bad.Please.Say.Hello.To.My.Katana.
Poland~ LietPol.....There is nothing else. I said what I needed to say.
Italy (South/Romano/Lovino)~ SPAMANO!!!!!! If you want to know my message to others, look at my message on Spain....
Sweden ~ SUFIN!!!! WHAT ELSE!??!?!
Denmark ~ Ahem....(He is my favorite after England)....DenNor...
Norway~ DenNor...
Hong Kong ~ HONGICE!

Well...that's it so far, I am probably going to add more. But let the comments... COMMENCE!




Here's my list aru:

Italy ( North/Veneziano/Feliciano)--Have to say GerIta and Holy Roman EmpirexChibitalia (yes, that's still Italy!!)
Germany--Look up (for clarification: just the GerIta. I don't support the theory entirely)
Er...Japan--...Giripan. Yes, my preferences changed XD
America--............ *prays that japan won't kill her*.........Ameripan and America x Belarus
England--FrUK ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I'm calm now...(not)
France (Don't even get me started >.<)--Is this a trick question?? FrUK FTW!!!!!!!! (Sorry if I sound weird, it's my OTP...)
Russia--I shall calmly skip this. For an honest answer, look down.
China--A pairing for myself? (i'm gonna hate myself later...) ...RoChu
Spain--Spamano. END. OF. STORY.
Poland--I'd have to say PoLiet (or LietPol, idc) for this one...
Hungary--Getting a liking for AusHun...
Italy (South/Romano/Lovino)--Hahahahahahaha Spamano. No way you're changing my mind.
Sweden--SuFin! Duh!
Finland--See above
Denmark--DENNOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我最好停止吧! Oh look, I spoke my language...
Norway--Look up
Hong Kong--Look up
Prussia--PruCan, I just find it more adorable than PruAus nowadays ^^


Italy ( North/Veneziano/Feliciano) ~ GerIta and HRE x Chibitalia (I support the Germany is Holy Rome Empire theory)
Germany~ look up
Er...Japan~ GiriPan
America~ KimchiBurger
England~ AsaKiku
France (Don't even get me started >.<)~ FrUK
Russia~ RoChu
China ~ look up
Spain~ SpaMano
Poland ~PolLiet
Hungary~ None
Italy (South/Romano/Lovino)~SpaMano
Finland~look up
Norway~ look up
Iceland~ HongIce
Hong Kong~ look up
Prussia~Either PruAus or PruCan not very sure yet...


Italy ( North/Veneziano/Feliciano)--Italy x Japan
America--America x Lithuania
France (Don't even get me started >.<)--Franada
Spain--Spain x Netherlands
Poland--Poland x Russia
Italy (South/Romano/Lovino)--Romano x Belgium
Sweden--Sweden x Denmark
Finland--Finland x Estonia
Hong Kong--Hong Kong x South Korea

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Of course. It isn't the Bad Touch Trio until they do this


Hisashiburi ne? And thank you!

Konnichiwa, minna-san! It's been a long time again since I posted! I have been in India. And Indo-san, you're country is very beautiful! I recently checked the blog stats and I am here to thank all of our viewers in advance on all of the nation's (users) behalf. Every single viewer is important to us :)! Once again, thank you and I hope you had a very Happy New Year!


Monday, January 7, 2013

A German Italian Conversation (online)

(Germany has just logged in)

(Italy has just logged in)

Germany: Italy how come you didn't show up today at the world conference?

Italy: I'm sorry I couldn't make it.I said something to Big Brother Romano that made him VERY unhappy  and he locked me in my bedroom.

Germany: Your brother is so nice to you.

Italy: I know right? I tried calling you but he took my phone away too.

Germany: That just sucks.

Italy: Well I'm out of there now and I'm alone.

Germany: So when Romano let you out of then bedroom he just left you there?

Italy: Not exactly...

Germany: Then what did he do then?

Italy: Actually Big Brother Spain took him away somewhere

Germany: comment

Italy:  Do you want to come over Germany? It would be okay if you did.

Germany: Are you sure?

Italy: I'm sure. When you come over you can give me a little rewiew on what today's world conference was about.

Germany: I'll come over if you promise me that I won't get yelled at.

Italy:If you don't want to get yelled at you can stay until 11:00

Germany: alright

(The AWESOME Prussia has logged in)

The AWESOME Prussia:  WEST!!!! How ya soon?

Germany: Prussia have you been reading my conversation with Italy?

The AWESOME Prussia: a while.

Germany: *sigh*


The AWESOME Prussia: Kesesese Hey Italy.

Italy: What Prussia?

The AWESOME Prussia: West is  secretly in love with you...


(The AWESOME Prussia has just logged off)

Italy: Germany...

Germany: I will tell you everything when I come over.

(Germany has just logged off.)

Italy: Germany?

(Romano has just logged in)

Romano:  Little brother.

Italy: Fratello!!!

Romano: You weren't talking to that potato head again were you?

Italy: no...

 Romano: Okay then

Italy: Also fratello there's nothing wrong with a potato loving German

Romano: You're so stupid do you know that?

Italy: Hey at least I don't lock YOU in YOUR bedroom

Romano: Well I was mad. You know I do NOT like Spain that way

Italy: I'm really really sorry

Romano: Well next time don't do that

Italy: I got to go

(Italy has just logged off)

Ciao guys. This whole thing just happened recently.. I just censored Romano's beautiful mouth. Well now you know what I have to deal with when I  on the internet. You don't want to know all the things I've been seeing on there. This was the only one that was appropriate to post. The moral of the story is that you should never chat on the internet. It does terrible things to you. I had to learn that the hard. way



Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Amazing Dream

Ciao guys it's Italy!I was taking a sieasta just recently and I had the most greatest dream ever and I wanted  to share it with you you guys. Okay so here it goes. I was in  a kitchen but I don't know who's. So I decided to make my favorite food. PASTA! Anyway, when I was putting the noodles in the boiling water The walls of the kitchen collapsed. And then there was pasta everywhere! There was pasta slides, pasta pools and pasta in a bowl. A BIG bowl. Oh my GOD! It was amazing!There were tomatoes and sauce and I love pasta so much! So when I woke up I had a huge craving for pasta even though I ate some before my sieasta. So when I was stuffing my face Germany yelled at me!

~Ve I might be little bit too crazy for pasta. But WHO THE HECK CARES?!?  I love pasta SOOO MUCH! So that was my amazing dream and I hope you enjoyed reading my crazy mind!<3 Please comment so I don't feel useless because this is my first post!



Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year fellow Hetalians!!

Wow, 2013 already? It seems like yesterday was the Hetalia Day we decided to make this blog... Ah, the memories..!

We hope everyone will have a wonderful transition from 2012 to 2013!


Italy, Japan, America, China, India, Poland, and South Korea