Monday, January 7, 2013

A German Italian Conversation (online)

(Germany has just logged in)

(Italy has just logged in)

Germany: Italy how come you didn't show up today at the world conference?

Italy: I'm sorry I couldn't make it.I said something to Big Brother Romano that made him VERY unhappy  and he locked me in my bedroom.

Germany: Your brother is so nice to you.

Italy: I know right? I tried calling you but he took my phone away too.

Germany: That just sucks.

Italy: Well I'm out of there now and I'm alone.

Germany: So when Romano let you out of then bedroom he just left you there?

Italy: Not exactly...

Germany: Then what did he do then?

Italy: Actually Big Brother Spain took him away somewhere

Germany: comment

Italy:  Do you want to come over Germany? It would be okay if you did.

Germany: Are you sure?

Italy: I'm sure. When you come over you can give me a little rewiew on what today's world conference was about.

Germany: I'll come over if you promise me that I won't get yelled at.

Italy:If you don't want to get yelled at you can stay until 11:00

Germany: alright

(The AWESOME Prussia has logged in)

The AWESOME Prussia:  WEST!!!! How ya soon?

Germany: Prussia have you been reading my conversation with Italy?

The AWESOME Prussia: a while.

Germany: *sigh*


The AWESOME Prussia: Kesesese Hey Italy.

Italy: What Prussia?

The AWESOME Prussia: West is  secretly in love with you...


(The AWESOME Prussia has just logged off)

Italy: Germany...

Germany: I will tell you everything when I come over.

(Germany has just logged off.)

Italy: Germany?

(Romano has just logged in)

Romano:  Little brother.

Italy: Fratello!!!

Romano: You weren't talking to that potato head again were you?

Italy: no...

 Romano: Okay then

Italy: Also fratello there's nothing wrong with a potato loving German

Romano: You're so stupid do you know that?

Italy: Hey at least I don't lock YOU in YOUR bedroom

Romano: Well I was mad. You know I do NOT like Spain that way

Italy: I'm really really sorry

Romano: Well next time don't do that

Italy: I got to go

(Italy has just logged off)

Ciao guys. This whole thing just happened recently.. I just censored Romano's beautiful mouth. Well now you know what I have to deal with when I  on the internet. You don't want to know all the things I've been seeing on there. This was the only one that was appropriate to post. The moral of the story is that you should never chat on the internet. It does terrible things to you. I had to learn that the hard. way



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